The Visuddhimagga is the „great treatise“ of Theravada Buddhism, an encyclopedic manual of doctrine and meditation written in the fifth century A.D. by the great Buddhist commentator, Bhadantacaryia Buddhaghosa.
The most esteemed commentary in all of Pali literature, The Path of Purification, or Visuddhimagga, is a systematic examination and condensation of Buddhist doctrine and meditation technique. The various teachings of the Buddha, found throughout the Pali Canon, are organized in a clear, comprehensive manner. In the course of his treatise Buddhaghosa gives full and detailed instructions on the forty subjects of meditation aimed at concentration, an elaborate account of the Buddhist Abhidhamma philosophy, and explicit descriptions of the stages of insight culminating in final liberation.
The author, the India-born monk-scholar Bhadantacaryia Buddhaghosa, traveled to Sri Lanka to translate into Pāli the extensive Sinhalese commentaries preserved there. His crystallization of the entire Pāli Canon reinvigorated Theravadā Buddhism in India and Sri Lanka. It still shines as clearly today, in this brilliant 1956 translation by the British-born monk, Bhikkhu Nanamoli, that in itself is considered an outstanding achievement of Pāli scholarship of the twentieth century.