This book brings together a wide number of discourses by one of the outstanding Burmese meditation masters of the twentieth century. His refreshing simplicity, his patience, his lovely sense of humor, and his humility all of which are revealed in the dialogues with his audience illumine a side of the Buddha s teaching that can not easily be perceived in treatises and texts. The last part of the book offers an account of Webu Sayadaw s relationship with Sayagyi U Ba Khin, giving us a close view of this Dhamma friendship that was to bear such abundant fruit in the present age.
Webu Sayadaw (1896 1977) spent his life teaching the practical basics of the Buddha s teaching to all who were inclined to listen. He was not only a teacher of many monks, but also the advisor and inspiration for the International Meditation Centre in Yangon, established by the Burmese lay meditation teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin.