Starting on April 4, 1994, one thousand male prisoners gathered in a huge tent in Tihar Prison, in Delhi, India, to participate in a 10-day Vipassana course taught by S.N. Goenka, a meditation teacher, who has been teaching Vipassana around the world. This was the largest Vipassana course conducted in recent history and it paved the way for the opening of the first permanent Vipassana meditation center inside a prison.
Psychological Effects of Vipassana on Tihar Jail Inmates, is one of the few empirical studies in print on Vipassana as a prison reform measure.
Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha, about 2500 years ago. It is currently being taught worldwide under the guidance of S.N. Goenka, the principal teacher of Vipassana. It promotes conscious lifestyle changes, enhances concentration of mind and facilitates deeper psychological introspection to bring about behavioral changes.
Available also is „Doing Time, Doing Vipassana“, the extraordinary and moving documentary video about the fruition of Vipassana in Tihar Prison, and the inmates who underwent profound change after sitting the meditation course.