Key to Pali Primer


Author: Lily de Silva
Publisher: Vipassana Research Institute
Publication Date: 1/1/1998
Pages: 71

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The answers are here! The Pali Primer by Lily de Silva published by Vipassana Research Institute is an introduction to Pāli grammar for beginners. It is based on the principle of teaching grammar through composition using a gradually expanding vocabulary. Exercises requiring translation from and into Pāli form an integral part of each lesson.

Many students who found this book very useful have requested that the answers to the exercises in the Pāli Primer be made available. Prof. Lily de Silva graciously consented to compile the answers.

The book also contains a list of errors occurring in the Pāli Primer with corrections. It is hoped that this book will be of help to those interested in learning Pāli, the mother tongue of the Buddha.

Additional information

Weight 107 g
Dimensions 21,4 × 14 × 0,5 cm
